It’s well-documented that maintaining your personal hygiene is essential for preventing the spread of diseases to both yourself and others. Now that we are facing a global pandemic, upkeeping your hygiene is more important than ever before. However, many people aren’t entirely sure what they need to be mindful of to ensure they remain illness-free. Not to worry. We’re here to help our readers with this problem today. Read on to find out everything cleanliness-related you need to be conscious about during the pandemic.
Food Shopping
Going to the supermarket is a necessity and so we don’t want anyone to feel anxious when doing so. The likelihood of contracting anything is very low, as coronavirus is usually only transmitted by having sustained contact with another person who is infected. Regardless, it is important to wear a face mask for personal hygiene when food shopping. The material on masks helps to prevent the airborne particles that you breathe out from reaching other people. We also recommend using the washing stations at the front of most supermarkets nowadays. Give your trolley or basket a thorough spray before using it. It’s a good idea to wash your hands before and after food shopping, too. This stops your germs from spreading to other people and vice versa.
Working in the Office
If you’re heading back to work and feeling anxious about staying safe, don’t worry. It’s not uncommon to feel panicked during the pandemic – millions of other people have shared the same experience as you. However, you might be feeling particularly anxious because the workplace isn’t as controlled an environment as your home. As this study on office hygiene highlights, you might be conscientious about cleanliness, but your colleagues probably won’t be. Try not to stress about this. You can still control your actions, so focus on that, instead. Wash your hands before and after using communal facilities; avoid touchpoints like door handles or taps. Maintain the distance you feel most comfortable with. If your office relies on hotdesking, then you might want to request otherwise, as this is a perfectly reasonable complaint during the coronavirus outbreak.
Public Transport
Though the government has advised against using public transport, for some people this is unavoidable. If you’re one of these people, try not to become debilitated by your worries. In fact, it’s essential that you overcome them, which you can only do through exposure to the thing that scares you. Realise that the risk is minimal and that there’s plenty you can do to stay safe. We recommend keeping your face mask on and maintaining your distance from others where possible. Once again, avoid using touchpoints like door handles or buttons. Wash your hands thoroughly before putting them near your face. Staying by an open window is also a good idea because this constant ventilation should help to dispel airborne particles.
We hope you have found this guide helpful and reassuring. By finding a good balance between being conscientious and not allowing yourself to become overwrought with anxiety, you can effectively conquer the coronavirus.
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