Great leaders don’t set out to be a leader. They set about making a difference.

It seems like a strong statement (that’s because it indeed is). But if you give it a little more thought, that statement describes everything you need to become a leader. This statement is also the answer to the question: why some people seem to pick up the leading role in whatever work they do while those who dreadfully want to become leaders and put their everything into it usually do not get that position. It is the willingness to make a difference that makes great leaders and those who fail to understand this fail to attain the leading role.

Making a difference

How can a person bring a change in the workplace by being a leader? It is always difficult to answer such questions. However, here are some ways in which a leader can make a difference:

“Be The Change You Want To See In The World”

These are the famous words by M.K. Gandhi. People follow the person who practices what he preaches. Our government is already filled with people who call themselves leaders but are plaster saints. There is enough pretence in society. We do not want more of it at the workplace.

Ever since I was in 12th grade, I have admired this one line from William Shakespeare’s you like it’ – “It is far easier for me to teach twenty what was right to be done than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching.” This simply means that it is easier to advise twenty people to be righteous than to be the one among the twenty who actually follow that advice.

This is the age of transparency. If you want to bring forth a change, you have to be the first one to implement in your habits first. People may listen to what you say, but they definitely follow what you do. Therefore, to bring forth a change, be the change yourself.

Appreciate all kind of failures

Nobody was born perfect. Not me, not you, not John Cena, and neither your colleagues. This is going to sound a little cliché, but even Thomas Edison faced 1000 failures before inventing the perfect bulb. When a scientist like him can face a failure, why do you expect your employees to face success and only success?

You must appreciate their failures. It allows them to analyze their mistakes and learn from the same. When you shame them for their mistakes, their morale sinks to the very bottom. It is not just the person who failed that feels miserable; this practice demotivates and scares the other employees by making them think that if they fail, they shall be shamed too. The overall productivity of the organization, as a whole, decreases. DO NOT, under any circumstance, disregard their efforts and hard work towards the organization. In fact, when you appreciate their efforts, you encourage them to work harder, and it boosts their confidence. This, in turn, gives you a team of happy teammates.

No Matter What, Stay Strong

Being a leader, you have to bear the weight of everyone’s hope. In tough times, no matter what, you are the one who needs to be strong. If you break, if you become clueless, then the whole team becomes utter chaos.

The sanity of their minds is maintained by seeing the composure you hold. Create a tactful working environment by sticking to the calmness and putting in efforts to overcome all the hurdles that you and your team might face. When you are willing to give your hundred per cent, you inspire your colleagues to do the same. It is evident throughout history that joint efforts have never disappointed.

Networking Works Outside The Phones Too

What keeps you updated about everything going on in the organization is a good sense of networking. Maintaining friendly relationships with everyone can help you in knowing the problems that your teammates are facing in the workplace. One way or the other, people are bound to talk about the issues they are facing. You can take steps towards the change only when you would know where the change is needed.

Hence, it is essential to be on good terms with every person working in the organization, irrespective of their rank in the hierarchy of the workflow. Keep the organizational communication going. After all, there is only so much information that a person can gather single-handedly.

Keep Room For “Desserts”

Here, I used desserts to describe the tiny moments of fun everyone has in their workplace, not the sweet little things you eat at the end of dinner (no-one can resist that).

Have you heard that saying: All work and no fun makes Jack a dull boy. Hard work and no fun is the wrong approach to work. We are all social beings. We need to have a few moments of jolliment to release our stress and worries. In fact, when asked about their opinions on the same, 44% of people believe that fun in the workplace enhances their work ethics.

The approach of hard work and no fun is no longer in existence. As a leader, you should go to every employee and have a few minutes of talking or goofing around. This reduces their work-stress and improves the relationships among the employees.

In A Nutshell

Being a leader demands a lot of patience and courage. Most researchers argue that it is a skill that one is born with, while others claim that it is a skill that can be obtained through extensive learning and reading. If you ask me, I’d say it comes with practice and inspiration. Everyone has an idol that has inspired them to become a leader. At times, seeing them handle the situations, and other times, analyzing the situation by using tactics. However, what holds the most importance is how you inspire colleagues and manage tough situations. It’s all about making a difference. 

Anyone anywhere can make a positive difference – Mark Sanborn.

Image courtesy of Depositphotos

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Sweta is an experienced content strategist at FactoHR, having a keen interest in communication and the latest trends that are useful to entrepreneurs. Her passion for learning aids team members to represent new ideas that later help businesses to achieve their mission and vision.