The Features of our Premium Coach/Facilitator Page
- A dedicated page to highlight your services
- Easy for our readers to discover through our search function
- Featured on the home page
- Up to 8 tags, (i.e. Executive Coach, Team Coaching, Training/Development Facilitator) - See application form for a full list
- location tags so readers can search and find you
- Your premium membership entitles you to one social media share each week on Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook on a continuous basis. We also share once to Instagram and Pinterest. We will use your profile and pic under our "Coach" feature for one of these shares. We will alternate social media shares with up to three further shout outs.
- A weekly shout to our email list.
- Discounted rates on our services
- Free Author Membership
- Subscription to our Magazine
To move ahead, make payment below. Then complete the information we need to set up your page and social share here. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Special Offer - If you would like to save 50% on membership, simply sign up here for our Annual Membership option.