
Membership Information

You have selected the 10 Step To Writing And Sharing Great Articles membership level.



The 10 Step Writing Course

Who is it for?

Anyone can benefit from the 10 step writing course.   If you have a message to get out online, then this course is for you.   You may well have written articles before, but not had much traction.  Or you may be completely new to writing articles.  You might want to begin to write articles for your own blog or website, or you might want to write for our magazine or other publications.   

This course is for you if you are an expert in your field and want to get a message out.  It is a greater starter course if you want to write, but are simply not sure how to get started writing great articles and how to share them widely across the web. 

How can you use it?

You can practice the course as you go through each part, or you can save the course for future use to use as a checklist to cover the elements you most want to focus on.  The good thing about the course is you can pick out elements which are important to you, such as structure and engaging your audience for example.  And use the rest at your leisure.  Even if you don't want to strictly adhere to making your article search engine friendly per se, at least you know what to do if this becomes important to you.  

What does the course consist of?

As the name suggests it is a 10 part course which sets out more detail about writing great articles. It's also about how to best share your article and get it out to the widest audience.   The course brings together some of the elements you need to construct your article, make it engaging for your audience, and finally make it easier to be found by people who are looking for your subject matter, through search engines.  

We will send you 2 parts each week over a 5 week period.  If in the meantime you want to get writing for the magazine, then just sign up as an author and you can get started.   

What does it cost? 

The course is completely free.  You can use the knowledge and skills you have learned to apply in any way.  We hope you use them to contribute your expertise to the Magazine, but naturally, there is no obligation to do so.  

How do I sign up?

Simply click on the link below.  Once you've signed up you will receive a verification email.  Once you've verified your email address your course will begin.

The price for membership is £0.00 now.

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