According to web marketing expert Marcus Sheridan, “Great content is the best sales tool in the world.” As a business owner or soon-to-be business owner, you should know just how important online content is to the growth and development of your business.

The quality of content you produce will give an idea of how great your products are to your customers. In other words, the content you share either through your blog, website, or social media channels is a reflection of your business.

As a business owner, one of your major priorities will be how to attract more customers to your business. Content creation is one of how you can get the word out there about your business.

If you do not already know about content strategies and marketing, this article will address what content marketing is, its benefits, and how to improve your online content strategy.

What is content marketing?

In recent times, traditional marketing methods have becoming less effective in the business world. This is where content marketing comes in.

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on creating and distributing relevant and valuable content. This will then lead to the attraction and retention of your target audience.

Rather than just pitching your ideas to people, which is common in traditional marketing, content marketing allows you to provide helpful content to help solve your customer’s issues.

You can carry out content marketing through platforms like blogs, social media, podcasts, emails, and webinars.

7 tips and tricks to improve the online content strategy for your business

Seeing as content is the mainstay of any business, no matter the platform. See seven tips and tricks that are sure to help your company improve its online content strategy.

1. Set your goals

All content marketing starts with a goal. So, a great place to start improving your content strategy is to set your goals. However, before you think about what content you create, you must first consider why you are making it.

These goals help you to focus on what is essential in your content and what is not. It would be best if you were clear about what you want from the very beginning.

When creating your content, ensure it stays on track with the goals you set at the beginning. The typical goals include increasing revenue, making more sales, getting more traffic to your website, social media engagement, etc.

When you frame your content based on these goals, you can be sure to reach more customers and audiences.  Consulting a content marketer can provide valuable insights into tailoring your strategy to achieve these ends more effectively. Furthermore, you need to develop a vision for where you want your content to get to.

2. Research and understand your target audience

Once you have set your goal and determined why you are creating the content, the next action is to determine who will see, watch, or hear the content you create.

In understanding your audience, you need to find out the demographics and psychographics of your target audience. While demographics focus on your audience’s age, gender, jobs, etc., Psychographics focus on their attitude, beliefs, interests, etc.

The content you create has to be appropriate for your target audience. When your content answers the most pressing questions about your brand and products, it will inevitably educate and draw more customers to your business.

Identifying, researching, and understanding your audience helps you create the right content that would reach them. Note that your content not only has to educate your audience, but it also has to be relatable to their day-to-day activities.

3. Incorporate videos

Videos present products more clearly than pictures would. So, when you are improving your online content strategy, endeavour to include videos in your content.

You can use YouTube to create your videos. YouTube is one of the most significant search engines today, and if you upload your videos on YouTube, you will be enhancing your business’ visibility.

Additionally, incorporating videos in your content boosts your conversion rate while building trust and credibility for your business.

Your video content can include tutorials on how to use your products, features of your products, and even the back story of your business.

You can even take a step further to convert a YouTube video to text. For instance, you can find a tutorial video you uploaded and convert it to text that you publish on your blog.

Apart from YouTube, other applications and hosting sites you can use for creating and editing your video include Vimeo and Wistia. With these sites, you can choose the right plan and carry on with your video creation.

4. Set up a Blog

Setting up your blog is a technical part of content marketing. If you have not already done this, then you should do so immediately. Your blog will be a host to the content you create.

You can separate your blog from your website or incorporate it as a feature of your website. But, whichever you choose, you must post content regularly on your blog.

Do not form the habit of posting content once and then abandoning the site. This will discourage your audience and cause them to move on to your competition.

With WordPress and Squarespace, you can set up your blog today. Using platforms like these gives you the flexibility and freedom to customize the blog as you wish.

5. Get consumer insight

Since you are creating your content for your target audience, get their feedback on your content. Asking your customers for their feedback helps you:

    • Have an idea of how they feel about your content
    • Know what their most pressing needs are
    • Figure out how to address these needs with your content

To get feedback on your previous content and ideas on producing better content, you can create a survey on WPForms. You can also use a SaaS like Feedier to help you “listen” to the voice of your customers.

6. Create a content calendar

Creating a content calendar helps you map out how you will feed your audience with your content. It also shows Google how active you are.

A content calendar is anything you use to plan, organize and schedule the content for your business. Your content calendar does not have to be complicated. It should just highlight and arrange critical dates and times.

You can make use of a content calendar template to create your content calendar. Using a template makes it easier to organize the schedule for your content.

Content calendars allow you to nurture your audience and entice them to look forward to your content. In addition, creating a content calendar ensures you stay on schedule in releasing content. This is 100 times better than dumping your content at irregular times.

If, for instance, your audience notices that you post content on your social media every other day of the week, they will look forward to your posts. When you have a content calendar, stick to your schedule.

Also, Google likes it when websites are constantly producing content. This is because it shows your website is an active and helpful resource. In turn, this would help your business, as it will attract more traffic to your website.

7. Have attention-grabbing content

Once you have gone through the previous tips, it is time to create your new and improved content. You should never forget that you have just a few seconds to get the attention of your audience.

If you do not begin your content with something that would grab their attention, they will get distracted and end up moving on after a few seconds.

So, when creating your content, your videos, images, headlines, emails, and even your website must be able to grab and captivate your audience’s attention till it leads to a sale.

Benefits of content marketing

Having understood the tips and tricks for better online content, here are a few of the benefits of content marketing your business will enjoy:

Content marketing boosts your SEO and traffic.

 If you are looking for a way to direct more traffic to your website, content marketing is the best bet. It helps you boost your website’s presence (SEO), increasing visitors to your website.

It helps to create brand awareness.

Content marketing helps you get the word out about your business or brand. With billions of people accessing technology like social media, having great content on these channels puts your brand name on people’s screens.

Increased trust in your business

If people do not trust a business, they will not want anything to do with them. However, with content marketing, you give your customers every reason to trust you. As time goes on, they even become loyal to your brand.


The concept of using content in business has come to stay.

Incorporating videos, creating a content calendar, having attention-grabbing content, etc., are just a few of the many tips for improving your content strategy. So, endeavour to research some more to gather more knowledge.

You can be sure that you will notice visible and positive differences when you include these tips and tricks in your online content strategy.