Avoid stress by being prepared for hard work

Life in today’s workplace is filled with the stresses of deadlines and a good deal of pressure.  Sometimes, worry sets in because people feel the quality of their work may suffer because of these burdens. It’s very difficult for hardworking professionals not to undergo regular spells of extreme stress. Successful people know how to deal with these pressures whereas unsuccessful people don’t by being prepared for hard work.

Another cause of great stress is worry where the heart beats fast, palms are clammy, and the person is feeling wobbly and not in control. This happens to everyone at one time or another, and the goal is to get through it and gain control again.

These are some things that successful people do to calm themselves to get back to their important work.

1. Develop a Sense of Self

When people are prepared to observe their failures and missteps with compassion and kindness, they are being self-compassionate. These people are far more enthusiastic and happier while being less apprehensive. They tend to be far more successful because of it.

Most people believe they should be very firm with themselves to achieve their best work. Only hard work can indeed bring you success, but being too hard on oneself is entirely wrong.  By developing a sense of self, stress can be reduced, performance will improve, and mistakes will be used as lessons for the next time.

2. See the Big Picture

People view everything they want to do or anything they need in different ways. By looking at the big picture, concerning the work to be done, people can become galvanized when facing the challenge and the stress it brings. They take a seemingly unimportant task and link it to a greater purpose which is the big picture.

When people do this, they can look differently at having to work late or long hours after a long hard day.  Instead of thinking about the report that needs to be finished, they look at this as a way of helping their career. This can also influence a person’s leadership ability, by being able to relay to employees, the need to see the end goal.

3. Depend on Routines

Most people say that there are several causes of stress in the workplace like too much work and deadlines. They don’t realize that making decisions can be a powerful reason to become fearful.  It doesn’t matter what the decision is about, small or large, tension is created, and stress follows automatically.

To deal with this effectively, use routines to help lower the number of decisions that need to be made. Things that need to be done every day should be completed each day at the same time.  Be sure to follow this routine, for the entire day, to significantly lessen the experience of stress.  This will help remove the daily problems that can take up more important parts of the day.

4. Take a Break for Something Interesting

When people take the time to do something that interests them, their energy is replenished. It could be having lunch at a new restaurant, having a picnic in the park, or something more energetic like Pilates, or even playing a brain game on the computer.  Whatever it is, it needs to be interesting to the person doing it. This renewed energy will follow into the rest of the workday.

5. Add to the To-Do List

Most people have a to-do list or a schedule for use at work and tend to stress themselves when things don’t get crossed off of their list. To get more things accomplished, add “if” and “then” to each item on the list. This is an awesome way to get things done and achieve the goals.  If a decision is made in advance, as to when (if) and where (then) the task will be done, your chances of completing it will increase dramatically.

By doing this, the unconscious brain scans and looks for the when (if) part of the list.  It will enable one to grab the precise moment to complete this task. The stress will decrease, and the task will be completed and crossed off the list.

6. Talk to Yourself

People need to speak to themselves to manage their emotional reactions to circumstances where they feel fatigued, fear, and self-doubt. Then decide what results they wish to have instead of feeling the stress. Now they use these responses when they are in a stressful situation. They begin to understand that personal development, to staying calm in the workplace, are essential to success.

7. Acknowledge progress

Some people pursue their goals by focusing on knowing they have the skills and ability to do the job. They expect to know everything right from the beginning and often compare themselves to others. If things don’t run properly, doubts will creep in causing anxiety and stress. The nervous worry that appears will assist in causing failure.

Others focus on increasing their ability and acquiring new skills. When they compare themselves to others, it’s because they want to improve their abilities and skills. Since they accept that mistakes will be made, their stress level goes way down. This shows the distinction between a person who wants to show they are smart and one who wishes to become more intelligent.

In the end, the question is not whether you’ve reached your goal, but how quickly space is closing, between now and then, which dictates how you feel. Look back at what you’ve achieved and then turn your thoughts to the many challenges the future holds. By using some of these approaches to fight against stress and remain calm, things will begin to change in the workplace and other areas.

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Benedict Brychta – MBA student from San Jose, CA. He is a big movie classics fan and love to share his opinion on different thing happening in the spheres of the film industry, marketing and lifestyle. You can contact Ben via Twitter