You know what they say – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Unfortunately, the same ethos can’t be applied to your social media strategy. Your online presence is something that needs to be constantly cultivated, evaluated and nurtured. Habits change, new platforms become popular and what was once working for you, may no longer be pulling in the same results.

Failing to reevaluate your social media performance and strategy means that your business is more likely to fall behind faster and you may struggle to recover. Thankfully, when it comes to social media a little effort goes a long way, and careful planning and fresh content can make all the difference in upholding your social media presence – click the link to use a social media content plan for your business.

So, how can you prevent your social media accounts from becoming neglected? And how can you give your social media presence a much-needed boost? Here we’ll explore the signs that your social media strategy might need an overhaul.

Your social media accounts look deserted

Do tumbleweeds blow across your social media accounts? If they look abandoned, then you can hardly expect followers to stumble upon them and start interacting with you and your business. Stagnant social media accounts give the impression that the owner can’t be bothered.  Let’s face it, that doesn’t look very good for your business, does it? It’s easy for potential clients to make the wrong assumptions about your company.  Always ensure that your pages are kept up to date with relevant information at the very least.

You’re stuck on the same platform

Times change! And so does the popularity of different social networks. As a business, if it applies to your sector, you need to go where your potential clients go. It’s easy to feel comfortable with good old Facebook and nice and easy Twitter, but you could be missing out on potential leads on platforms like Pinterest, YouTube and even TikTok because you’re too worried about getting to grips with something new.

Adding another platform to your list also means you can create fresh, varied content instead of recycling the same old style across your current social media outlets. Do a little research before you add another platform to your ranks. You’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

You’re ignoring your followers

OK, so you’re busy. And you can’t constantly monitor your social media platforms. However, as a business owner who’s relying on a social media strategy to engage with new clients, you should make time in your day to respond to comments, questions and queries on your pages. Ignoring potential and current customers is not only frustrating for them as consumers but it also sends a negative message to anyone else who follows you. Your followers just aren’t that important to you!

You’re not utilising all the tools you have!

Are you using all the features available to you on Facebook? Live videos, watch parties setting up private groups for special offers etc. What about Instagram – are you just using hashtags? Or are you using the story-posting function? Utilise every tool you have available to make the most of your social media platforms!