Managing Multiple Jobs To Boost Income

More and more people are taking on second jobs to keep up with the cost of living. Even those who are earning enough to get by are seeking ways to earn extra money to increase their standard of living or to pursue additional interests in their careers. The trick is of course the ability to manage multiple jobs.
Second jobs aren’t a new phenomenon. Cash-strapped folk have been doing what they can to make ends meet for donkey’s years. However, the modern economy has shifted away from jobs for life, and with it, secondary jobs are becoming a much more common occurrence.
According to a US news source, CareerBuilder, Millennials are significantly outpacing other age groups for taking on side work. Today’s economy is pushing Millennials to hustle. Extra jobs bring in more money and hold out the promise of brighter and more exciting careers, but it’s not always easy to manage.
When it comes to time management, juggling more than one job is guaranteed to give even the most organised person a headache. Here are some tips on how to smoothly manage multiple jobs:
Holding down more than one job requires meticulous time management and planning. It’s essential you keep track of your schedule. Encourage your employers to take the leap into the world of online rota software. Tracking your shifts and any changes are all easily doable from your smartphone if your employer uses rota management software, such as that offered by Planday. With everything streaming in real-time to your phone, you can easily swap shifts and manage your work calendar without the headache of numerous phone calls to verify hours.
Thinking about job A while you are at job B will end up getting you fired. Keep focused on the job at hand. You have an obligation to your employer. Try to sneak your job B freelance work into your hours at job A, and the quality of your work on both fronts will suffer. Maintain your boundaries and stick to your agreed hours.
When you are working multiple jobs, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. But, it’s incredibly important that you factor in some downtime to relax and connect with family and friends. Work 7 days a week and you are heading for burnout.
If your mega-packed schedule doesn’t allow you an entire day off, try to give yourself at least a morning or afternoon off per week to let your mind relax.
It’s not uncommon for people to work all day, only to clock off at 5 pm and head off to an evening shift somewhere else. If this sounds familiar, you could be at risk of sleep deprivation and exhaustion. By the time you get to bed at the end of a long day, it can be hard to unwind. Even one night of disrupted sleep can tip you into an exhausted state, and a continuous hectic work schedule, it makes it even harder to recover.
Juggling multiple jobs can leave your mind spinning. It’s common for your thoughts to take over when you are overworked and that will sabotage the time you do have for rest and relaxation. Keep to-do lists at work, so you can switch off when you leave, and try meditation techniques when you get home to help you relax.
Keep multiple jobs as close as possible in terms of location. Add in excessive travel time and your working days will be even longer. This could eventually tip you over the edge.
Going straight from one job to another can be depressing. Taking a short break for as little as 30 minutes between jobs will make all the difference. Stop at your favourite coffee shop for a healthy snack and a cup of herbal tea before putting on your next job ‘hat.’
If you can feel yourself losing a grip on things, maybe it’s time to reconsider your working timetable. Missing shifts, muddling your time, or simply exhausting yourself, think about how much the extra cash is worth it. If your quality of life and your health are suffering and managing multiple jobs becomes impossible, then perhaps it’s time to quit the extra work.
While many take a second or third job purely to make ends meet, extra work can be worth the investment in ways other than financial remuneration. Here’s why:
• You can gain experience and skills in a new field to make you more employable in the future.
• You’ll meet new people and build a whole list of new contacts. It could turn into opportunities later on.
• You can try out a new job before you take a leap of faith and make a drastic change to your career.
• If your current job isn’t fulfilling all of your needs, you could have them met in a second job. It’s not always possible to match what we love doing most with an adequate salary. A second job may be a chance to give back to the community or gain experience in a job that doesn’t pay well, but you are interested in.
• In today’s job market, no job is completely safe. Having a second job to fall back on is great security.
• Future employers will be impressed by your determination, tenacity and time management skills.
• Last, but by no means least, you’ll be financially better off.