Instilling Pride in High-Performing Teams We are high-performance coaches for world-class athletes, sports teams, and industry-leading companies. Simon and I have worked intimately with...
More and more companies are looking for ways to change with the times. Innovations in technology and networking are allowing things to happen faster...
Women need to celebrate each other. March 8 is International Women’s Day. Here in my country, the United States, March is National Women’s History...
Most organizations today reward competition. They believe that a bit of friendly competition motivates people to perform better than what they would normally do....
Withholding Information Withholding information refers to the deliberate act of a leader or manager intentionally not sharing relevant or critical knowledge with their team...
Micromanagement is a common yet often misunderstood concept in the workplace. This blog post aims to shed light on the intricacies of micromanagement, exploring...