Before you start medical school, you need to prepare for a career in such a demanding and chaotic field. You need to take specific steps in high school that will allow you to get into a good university and, eventually, a good medical school. Let’s look at how you can get ready for a career path in the medical field as soon as possible.

Study Every Day

If you don’t study every day in high school, you should develop this habit as soon as possible. Even if you feel like the undergrad courses are too easy, you can actively stand out from your competition by achieving a better GPA than them. An aspiring nurse can even study ahead of time, by completing one of the NCLEX prep courses on this page.

Take as Many Hours as you Can

There are many reasons why someone can be a full-time student, but if you have the free time to take at least 15-17 hours each semester, you’ll be more able to handle the 20-25 hours equivalent in medical school. Plus, taking more hours means you’ll graduate in four years, have the appropriate prerequisite courses, and it will look good on your application.

Take Lab Science Courses Each Semester

You’ll need to understand multiple aspects of STEMS in your medical career, so it’s important to take at least 2 labs each semester to improve your learning. To get into medical school, you’ll also need to take prerequisite science courses; just make sure these courses have a lad equivalent. You’ll also prove to medical schools you’re capable of hands-on work.

Start Volunteering Now

Most people want to work in the medical field because they want to help people. That’s incredible, but schools want to see evidence of this during your undergrad, not just in high school. Start volunteering at the YMCA, Meals for Older People, church groups, or Little League coaches to prove you want to help people consistently in some way.

Sign up for an Organization

You have to prove to your prospecting school that you’re able to manage your time between studying, extracurricular activities, and volunteering. Start applying or helping out at the Science Student Society at your campus, or specialize more narrowly in a specific STEM (biology, chemistry, psychology) and try to help out students who are also studying for med school.

Know What You’re Getting Into

You need to study your profession’s positives and negatives to ensure you’re sure about this career choice. Be sure to stay up on current medical technology and events, learn about managed care, and explore some issues that are more taboo in your field (like stem cells) to understand how all of these issues impact the medical industry.

Don’t Just Stick to STEMS

While many of your prerequisite courses will delve into the STEM field, you don’t have to stick to the hard sciences. Many medical schools take into account your electives and tend to favour students who explore courses in foreign languages, fine arts, philosophy, and ethnic and cultural diversity because it broadens your horizons while also developing your problem-solving skills.

Studying Abroad or at Home

Choosing a medical school can be pretty tough because there are so many great academies you can go to. Discuss with your faculty members and advisors about the entrance requirements for each school and if you want to study abroad. Studying abroad is another way to achieve a different perspective, which will look great on your application.

Preparing for Entrance Exams

Finally, you need to prepare for your medical school entrance exams. You’ll need to do some research in this area, like knowing how and when to apply which specific tests you need to take and which test scores designate a pass or fail. A nurse, doctor, and dentist all have separate requirements, so only check what you need for your specific profession.