Inspiration is a key factor in productivity

Learning to inspire your employees is vital to the success of the business, the manager, and the employees. Inspired employees enjoy their jobs and love coming to work. Inspiration is a key factor in the productivity of your employees. Creating a high self-image environment is key to better performance for the team. This means removing anything that will hinder their performance, like rejection and the fear of failing. When you inspire your team to improve productivity, then performance is naturally higher.  Mistakes are fewer, and absenteeism and employee turnover are much lower.

Here are some ideas to try when you want to give your staff more inspiration.

1. Show employees their work is significant

If employees know their work is meaningful to the company, it’s more important than credit from others or the salary received. When you establish the goals and vision of the company, let the employees be a part of making them. It will inspire them to achieve these goals, and they’ll feel their work is meaningful.

2. Communicate and share

After the employees have assisted in making the goals for the company, keep them updated on the progress. Set smaller goals to be reached and update your co-workers when they are achieved. Then post again when the final goal is reached. This is a great way to inspire all of them to accomplish that goal. If there is new information coming in, continually share it with them so the decisions they make will be the right ones. This communication will help inspire the employees repeatedly.

3. Provide a well-defined job description and responsibility

Each employee must receive a description of the job and the responsibilities that come with it.  Don’t simply tell them the description, break it down by each task making everything easy to understand. It will motivate the employees because they’ll know exactly what needs to be done.  By making it all clear in the beginning, they are more content in their job and will work far better.

4. Provide ongoing feedback

Never blame an employee when something goes wrong. Don’t ask who but ask why!  Instead of saying, “Who messed up here?” ask “How do you think we can avoid making this mistake in the future?” It will greatly inspire, them when you turn an obvious negative into a great positive.

5. Show you have confidence and belief in them

Our self-esteem, being human, can be very fragile. If you don’t have confidence that the employees can do their job, they, in return, will believe the same thing. The result will be that they won’t do well. Show your subordinates that you believe in them and it will go a long way towards inspiring those people. Try to give them some room to make their own decisions. Let them run a difficult project and allow your employees to decide the way to complete it. It might be a tricky thing to do, but they must be allowed to fail once in a while. The goal of the manager is not to get angry if they do fall short.

6. Accept employee input

Feedback is extremely important for the leader and the employees, in the workplace.  Have your co-workers help set a few goals for the office and themselves. By doing this, they become more focused and inspired to reach these goals. Get their feedback about what’s happening at the office. By doing this often, they will feel relaxed involved and even more inspired.

7. Never micro-manage

People don’t like to be micro-managed, and employees are no different. It is an act that takes away a person’s power. Managing means checking in on employees.  Micro-managing means checking up on employees. A leader doesn’t have to dictate how to do the job or always tell them exactly how to finish it. Employees will never grow and learn new skills if you are always watching over their shoulders. Employees become inspired to do a better job when we leave them to it.

8. Inspire teamwork

It usually requires input from different employees to complete a project. It’s a good idea to encourage them to work together as a team instead of working individually. It’s an easy thing to do, get the employees together in a meeting and begin by referring to them as a team. Then leave them alone to act as a solid unit to complete the project.

9. Recognize valuable employees

One of the most powerful ways to inspire your team to improve productivity is by recognising them. Recognition, by far, is probably the greatest motivator out there. It’s good to provide this frequently to the employees in an effective way. Recognition far outweighs monetary rewards.

10. Encourage personal growth

Employees take far more pride in their work when they have the opportunity to learn new skills.  It’s important to find out what it is they’re looking for and assist them in their dreams. This can be accomplished in training at work, online courses, and other ways. When the leader shows this much interest in their future, they feel even more inspired and valuable in their job.

11. Manage employees differently

All employees are not the same, and they need to be managed differently. By observing them, a good leader knows how to handle each one. Some employees need more coaching and feedback while others require a lot less. Consider each person individually and lead them accordingly.

12. Deal with poor performance

This is the final step in motivating employees. When employees underperform, it can undermine an entire company.  When others see these employees are not performing, and getting away with it, they tend to do the same. Your team will know when someone is being tackled about their underperformance, even without saying anything, they will sense it.


Good leaders are intensely orientated in taking action. The moment they hear a great idea, they quickly move to apply this idea and get it into action. If you, as a leader, learn the techniques to inspire your team for improved productivity put them into practice today.  You’ll be amazed by the outcome.

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Highly positive and easily involved in different stuff. Eager to develop and help others. Travel more and expand the frontiers of knowledge.