As a leader, from time to time, we may find ourselves in certain situations where we want to influence or inspire greatness within others within our own team towards a targeted improvement. However, for whatever reason, through either difficulty of our own, the difficulty of the other person, or just simply the difficulty of the situation itself, we may have problems carrying this motion out within ourselves. That’s okay, though. We, as leaders, can always problem-solve through any difficulty. There are reasons listed below that can help any person or leader promote their team’s productivity by using different methods of inspiration based on the targeted person’s temperament and character. Each leader, themselves, will have to analyze which points would be best used within his or her own life situations.

Have empathy

One of the first and most valuable traits in promoting inspiration within others is for one to have empathy. People, in general, do not desire to follow authorial figures who do not care about them in some shape or form. If you, an authoritarian figure, are constantly bullying others into submission by using fear as a form of control, then most likely, it will not be taken happily by others. In the end, it will make the person you desire to reach have a high level of resentment towards you instead, and you will build up resistance to you. Great leaders will and do not install fear into their teammates. Having empathy is something every leader must and should have toward others.

Do not micromanage others

Micromanaging is an action of an individual controlling every part of an activity. Being a great leader does not come with a controlling attitude. Micromanaging others will make people feel a loss of their own freedom, and this will cause a loss of motivation within your own team as well. People do not desire someone to control them. People like to feel as if they are making their own decisions for themselves. Instead of micromanaging, try mentoring others instead. If this doesn’t seem to work, then try suggestions to help others form their own conclusions. People will respond to you in a more positive manner this way.


People cannot give you what you want if you do not communicate in an efficient manner with your own team. People aren’t mind-readers. Expecting anything else of others would otherwise be highly unrealistic. Also, get to know the person you are trying to communicate with. Communicating with others in their own way of communicating will help the other person understand the entire picture that you want to convey. People communicate in different ways, so becoming aware of this fact may be helpful with your own influence on others.

Challenge them

Sometimes if you can not get any motivation out of your own team, it may be time to challenge them. This of course entirely depends on the circumstance and the character of those that are involved. For starters, I’ll give you an example. If your team is not performing as well as you would prefer, it may be well advised to spark some form of competition. You could write or announce something such as this morning’s team produced 100 packages this morning. By announcing this fact, you could spark some competition in your evening production team. This will create competition between the two, and your evening production team will attempt to outperform the morning shift. Also, do not state these facts in a patronizing tone, otherwise, this may backfire.

Have consequences set

It’s very important as a leader to give praise to your teammates for a wonderful job well done when deserved. This, in turn, will provide them with appreciation and inspire greater productivity. However, if you are without adequate boundaries, there are certain types of people who will try to take advantage of such a nature. One way to avoid this is by giving and setting consequences. For example, if a client does not pay what they owe, then it may be time to offer up a consequence. One appropriate consequence may be such as the loss of your services until certain payments are performed. This way, it will teach others to honor your own boundaries, and you will not have to fret over the loss of payments. People respond to the way you let them treat you. If you let them continue to not pay their dues, then in time, the person may become relaxed and not pay it altogether. Healthy boundaries must stay in place for a healthy leader. This set of rules can be brought into your own team as well to keep everyone on track, healthy, and motivated.

Treat their mistakes as no big deal

You do not need to shame people to get the results that you need. If you treat their mistakes as no big deal, then your own team member will feel as if the mistake they made can be easily fixed. If you treat their mistake as massive, then your team member will feel as if their own mistake is too big to fix, and this will cause performance issues within your own team.

Treat your team members as important

Everyone likes to feel like they matter. Treating your team members as important will increase their productivity toward the outcome of what is trying to be accomplished. People who do feel needed or appreciated will not want to work, and this will decrease productivity for everyone on your team. People cannot do everything themselves, so make sure your other teammates know and understand how much they are appreciated and valued for all the contributions that they make. Give praise to everyone on your team where it is appropriate.

Foster a creative environment

Always allow room for others to grow. Do not be afraid of those that are different. Encourage and foster a growing atmosphere.

Hold others to a high standard

Hold others to a high reputation to live up to. If you want someone to perform to a certain level, start by saying, “I’ve heard great things about you. I expect such and such done. I know and heard of all the great things that you can do.” People respond to others based on how they feel. If you teach others that they are worthless, then they will respond to that motion of feeling worthless. If you treat others with high regard, then others will respond to that motion as well.


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