While returning to the office will bring a much-needed sense of normality for some working from home, it will understandably be a source of stress and trepidation for others.
With over half of workers still not ready to return to the office and a rise in return-to-work anxiety, we’re here to provide a few tips to smooth the transition.
Explore New Ways of Working
Give Yourself Time to Adjust
While some may be excited to return to the office, not everyone feels the same. Don’t feel guilty or pressured to return faster than you’re comfortable with. If your office offers optional attendance, start by going in one or two days a week. That is until a full-time return is required. This gradual approach can help ease the transition and reduce the culture shock.
Take Care of Your Health
It’s expected to be anxious about how returning to the workplace could impact your mental and physical health. Before your return date, you should determine what rules and restrictions have been implemented to keep you safe. Seeking out your return-to-work policy is a great place to start.
You should also consider (and be vocal about) the changes you’d like your employer to make to protect your physical health. One small change employers are adopting is providing their returning employees with free baskets of fruit at work. The benefits of this, both physical and mental, are well documented.
This can help promote the importance of physical health, boost immune systems, and show employers that they do indeed care about the well-being of their staff.
Respect the Needs of Others
You might be excited about returning to work, but that doesn’t mean everyone will be. Everyone has experienced the pandemic differently, which is why it’s so important to ask questions, be mindful and make space for anxious people.
Set Your Boundaries
Working from home has blurred the boundaries between many people’s personal and professional lives and has given rise to the ‘always on’ mentality. When you return to the workplace, it’s your chance to reset those boundaries and make sure people know when you’re available and when you’re not.
Are you looking forward to returning to work, or is it a source of anxiety? Please share your thoughts with our readers in the comments below.