Your office might not look dangerous, but it could be impacting your health. You must care for your physical and mental health in an office setting. From office drama to poor lighting and constant sitting, office risks can surpass some physical jobs. Feeling run down? Your office might be the culprit. I’ll show you how to make your office a healthier place to work.

1. Make It Cozy

Comfort is key, whether in a home office or a workplace. A cosy office makes spending time there enjoyable. Hating your workspace can harm your health.  Start by adding plants. They beautify your space and purify the air, providing more oxygen and an energy boost.  Consider a small water feature, too. Its soothing sounds can maintain your mental health, reducing stress even on tough days. You can get some ideas from the Soothing Company to see which type would fit in your office, and make it a healthier place to work.

2. The right desk

Standing desks became the hot trend for a while there until it became clear that standing all day is not any healthier than sitting all day as it only burns slightly more calories than sitting.  Getting out of your chair does help, though so having a desk that can be raised or lowered is your best option. Being forced to stand all day can end up causing back or joint problems if you are not standing with the correct posture.  These types of hybrid desks are ideal as you can raise them when you want to stand for a while and lower them when your back or knees start to ache so you can sit again.

3 – Keep it sanitized

Your workspace is an area that acts as a focus for many different germs. As you interact with your coworkers and touch things like the water cooler and printer, you are taking those germs from other areas and bringing them to your workspace.

Make sure that you are disinfecting your desk, phone and keyboard whenever you arrive back at the cubicle or office. Not only that but try to keep the air clean by using a HEPA filter in your office to scoop up any germs in the air.

Have some sanitizing gel within reach to keep your hands germ-free before you touch anything.