One of the biggest concerns for veterans leaving the military is the struggles they will have landing gainful employment as they resume civilian life. These worries are not unfounded, as veterans often do, for a variety of reasons, have a difficult time finding jobs. Sometimes these reasons come down to things like economic downturns, which are completely out of a person’s control, while other times they are due to more veteran-specific explanations. Below are 4 reasons why veterans struggle to find work.

Skill Translation Issues

The skills you gain while serving in the military are highly valuable. They often transfer easily to civilian applications. These include leadership, communication, teamwork, stress management, and decision-making skills. However, some military jobs and functions are harder to map onto the civilian labour market.

This difficulty might arise because these jobs are overly specialized. It could also be because they are not presented in a way that civilians easily understand. Hiring a job-skills translator can help with this issue. A translator can interpret your military experience in civilian terms. They can also help sell your skills and competencies on a resume.

Skill Mismatch

Leaving the military, you gain many valuable life and industry-specific skills. However, you may not fit seamlessly into all industries. Employers often seek certain hard skills first and foremost. While having the right attitude and soft skills like communication and collaboration is important, they are not enough.

Consider what you might like to do before leaving the military. Investigate the necessary certifications or training required for employment in that niche. Be strategic about parlaying your military background into a corporate career.


Unfortunately, many people still harbour fears and prejudices about military veterans. They may assume veterans are prone to violence, especially if they saw war. They might think veterans suffer from PTSD and are potential liabilities on the job. They may also assume veterans are one-dimensional or unintelligent and doubt their ability to learn hard technical skills.

Difficulty Acclimating To Civilian Life

Veterans often struggle to acclimatise to civilian life. The constant routine, expectations, and camaraderie in the military are hard to find in civilian society. The sense of loss and overwhelming nature of this transition can be paralysing.


Navigating the labour market as a recently discharged veteran can be frightening. Many do not know what they want to do professionally. Veterans often struggle to find work due to personal and external roadblocks. Be strategic and realistic about what it takes to find a job after military life. Understanding these challenges helps you persevere and succeed.