51 Ways to Make Yourself and Others Feel Better Every Day

Universal wisdom is wonderful because anyone who has the slightest awareness of their true selves simply identifies with the message and, at a very deep level, understands that the message is true. If you operate from universal wisdom, you will undoubtedly feel better every day.
Universal messages are based on unconditional love, and love is the essence of the message. The wisdom of our higher selves is always based on love, which is the real core of our identity.
Our higher self is always there, but we block it out like clouds blocking out the sunshine, by our negative and limiting thoughts and our limited beliefs about who we really are. If we truly knew love was at the core of our identity, then we seek love out every day. We wouldn’t seek love outside of ourselves, we would look within, where love has been all along.
Do you tap into your universal wisdom to feel better every day? What other tips can you share with others to feel better every day?
I help leaders develop self- mastery, helping them to become confident in their own inner guidance.
I collaborate with leadership experts, managers and HR professionals to help them get their own message and unique services and products to a wide audience.