6 Key Elements of Mentoring

I have witnessed far too many leaders who say they mentor but do not invest time and energy. There are some key elements of mentoring which are vital for success, but you also need to invest time and energy in it, or it is simply not effective.
Sometimes mentoring is seen as the “soft stuff”, the “fluffy bits” and not critical. I beg to disagree. If you do not mentor, then you will not light the fires in the people you are meant to be leading, and both mentor and mentoree will be the lesser for it.
Oprah Winfrey said it brilliantly: “ A mentor is someone who allows you to see the light inside yourself”
You will not develop anyone by managing them. Yes, managing them will get things done. But mentoring your people will lift performance to a different level.
Mentoring will facilitate the kindling of that flame that drives us to excel beyond expectation. If you achieve that with your people – you are a leader, my friend!
Being a mentor is not just an act of altruism; it’s a pathway to personal growth and professional development. Engaging in mentorship opens doors to expansive networks, often leading to unforeseen career opportunities. For instance, a survey by Forbes indicated that mentors frequently gain access to their mentees’ networks, broadening their professional landscape. Additionally, mentors develop leadership skills that are highly valued in the workplace, enhancing their career progression. As Richard Branson famously said, “Mentoring is a two-way street. The mentor gets wiser while mentoring and the mentee gains knowledge.”
The mentee reaps significant rewards from the mentoring relationship. First, they gain invaluable insights from someone who has navigated the complexities of their field. This guidance can accelerate a mentee’s career progression, as they learn from the mentor’s experiences and mistakes. Moreover, mentees often gain access to their mentor’s network, providing opportunities that might otherwise be inaccessible. A study by the American Psychological Association highlighted that mentees are more likely to receive promotions and salary increases, underscoring the tangible benefits of being mentored.
It’s crucial to distinguish between mentoring and coaching. Mentoring is a long-term relationship where the mentor provides guidance, advice, and support, often drawing from their own experiences. In contrast, coaching is typically a shorter-term engagement focused on developing specific skills or achieving particular goals. While a coach may not have direct experience in the coachee’s field, a mentor usually has relevant industry experience. This distinction is vital for anyone looking to either mentor or be mentored, ensuring they seek the right kind of guidance for their needs.
In conclusion, the benefits of being a mentor extend beyond the satisfaction of helping others. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship that fosters networking, career advancement, and personal growth. For the mentee, it’s an invaluable source of knowledge, experience, and opportunities. Understanding the difference between mentoring and coaching can help individuals choose the right path for their personal and professional development.
Very simply – you must have a mentor! If you are engaging with someone as a mentor, but don’t have one yourself, then what does that say? A mentor does not have to be an aged sage, bent over with experience and knowledge! The experience and knowledge are great to have, but your mentor can be a member of your peer group who will listen objectively.
Be clear about why you are mentoring what you hope to achieve, and what the person you are monitoring will get from the experience. Mentoring is about facilitating change and growth, and there will always be opportunities for future growth. But don’t have unfocused discussions – be clear and precise.
I referred to this earlier. This is not an exercise in demonstrating how much you know and how wise you are. You must listen carefully – to what is being said and what is not being said. Ask continuously for clarification about the points being made. Draw everything out – not just the first things that are uttered. Listen to the tone and the inflexion, and watch the body language.
Sounds obvious, but these discussions are frequently the ones that get dumped when the pressure on time arises. Ad hoc sessions will only come across as being contrived and “we should have a chat” type of approach. You have to demonstrate that you care – and are committed to regular mentoring sessions demonstrating that commitment.
Give your time, give your counsel, give up your emotions and be involved in the process. The more you give of yourself, the bigger the impact. Remember what Maya Angelou, the civil rights leader, said: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel” Mentoring allows you to set the seeds for growth in others – and they will never forget you for it.
You cannot be a mentor and then disregard your advice. You must walk the talk in every way which is a big ask, but comes with being a mentor! Albert Schweitzer, the Nobel Prize winner, said: “Example is not the main thing when influencing others, it is the only thing” This is a challenge for us all, but real mentors do live up to it.
Truthfully, I believe that mentoring is one of the most fulfilling roles you can play, and when done properly, is also one of the most rewarding. Winston Churchill said it brilliantly: “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give
Experienced Top Team Coach, Executive Coach, Mentor, Leadership Strategist and Productivity Expert.
My clients refer to me as a Business Coach, Executive Coach, a Mentor, Leadership Strategist, Productivity Expert, and all round sounding board. You can check out more at my website John Murphy International
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I work as a business coach to Top Teams, CEOs,Business Owners, Professional Service Companies and Senior Executives to help them build sustainable, profitable long term businesses.