To retain employees, businesses need a top-notch HR department and the latest HR software systems. Moreover, their chosen HR software should include ATS features. This is mainly because retaining employees is only possible if a business attracts the right talent in the first place.

ATS (applicant tracking systems) are critical to the hiring process. They cut down on the time spent manually scanning through resumes and highlight skills that a manual check may skip or miss.

ATS software streamlines the hiring process. It allows for efficient job posting and faster onboarding. This means businesses can quickly fill jobs with the right candidates without experiencing a dip in productivity.

Benefits of Using ATS Software

Businesses do not have time to read hundreds of resumes manually every time a position opens. With ATS software, they need not worry about that.

ATS software offers automated resume parsing. The software scans all incoming resumes for predefined required skills and experience by extracting keywords and phrases related to the vacancy. This alone saves recruiters a ton of time.

Moreover, ATS software uses a central platform to store and manage all job applications, including candidate profiles and communication. Businesses can use this platform to keep candidate information on hand for future positions.

ATS eliminates cluttered email inboxes and complicated spreadsheets. This software ultimately organizes the hiring process for an HR team.

ATS software can also assist in creating interview times and sending notifications to candidates. HR managers do not have to send individual emails, but everyone stays informed.

ATS Software Improves the Candidate Experience

Too many job applicants continue to have unpleasant experiences when applying for vacancies. This is bad news for businesses, as positive candidate experiences are crucial for attracting the best talent.

ATS is turning this around. ATS software allows candidates to submit one-page, one-click applications. They receive updates on the progress of their application and can also receive messages through an ATS platform.

Even better, ATS systems are not inherently biased, like some recruiters may still be. This means candidates are assessed solely on their skills and experience, not their background or anything else.

ATS Systems Widens the Hiring Pool

ATS software helps businesses build a talent pool of qualified candidates. This allows the business to reach out to unsuccessful candidates again when a position that suits their skills is available.

ATS also provides insights into the entire recruitment process. It highlights the main source of applicants and how long it takes to attract suitable candidates. This information helps businesses shape their job posts and hiring strategies.

Extra Features of ATS Software

The latest ATS systems offer engagement tools in addition to core functionalities. These tools allow businesses to engage with potential candidates before hiring. For instance, a business can share company culture information or host a live chat session with several candidates to provide more details about a job listing.

ATS systems can also be integrated with social media platforms, especially LinkedIn. When candidates apply through LinkedIn, an ATS system scans their application immediately. This makes it easier for businesses to find potential candidates on a wider platform and more convenient for candidates to apply on a platform they are familiar with.

Factors to Consider When Using ATS Software

ATS software is great for ensuring that businesses hire the best talent. However, there are factors to consider before implementing an ATS system.

Firstly, an ATS system should not replace human judgment when hiring new employees. ATS software can source keywords and phrases from resumes but cannot assess the rest of the information.

A human recruiter must screen applicants and set up interviews with the best candidates. ATS systems can notify applicants of an interview but should not be in complete control of the recruiting process.

It is also important for businesses to note that some candidates will try to use the ATS process to their advantage. This means they may add keywords and phrases that do not relate to their experience. For this reason, it becomes even more critical for human recruiters to read through ATS-assessed resumes.

Furthermore, businesses should be aware that ATS systems can experience technical errors. This may frustrate candidates and recruiters.

ATS Software Will Continue to Shape Recruitment Processes

As ATS systems evolve, they will continue offering new features that businesses can use during hiring. Moreover, AI already impacts ATS technology by enhancing candidate screening and offering video interviews.

Businesses must understand how ATS software works before implementing it. By using ATS correctly, companies can continuously attract top talent while improving the recruitment experience for both businesses and candidates.