Having a driver be pulled over for being under the influence isn’t ideal when you’re a logistics team leader. This kind of situation can prove incredibly problematic for your company, not to mention that if a driver gets a DUI is a serious offence.

Of course, as dangerous as it is, if nothing and nobody got hurt, it’s important to assist the employee where you can. It’s better that you help them back on their feet and ensure this doesn’t happen again, rather than throw them to the wolves.

This guide should make that easier for you by outlining a few strategies worth considering when a driver gets in trouble for drinking.

Enforce Training

A good way to ensure your company never has to worry about a DUI is to include training that prevents it. Regular training is essential in any workplace, and covering this element could significantly reduce the chances of a driver getting a DUI. 

You should highlight the dangers associated with this reckless behaviour, as well as the financial costs of driving under the influence. You also need to outline your stance on the matter so that employees know when an offence could cost them their job. For instance, if they’re aware that getting a DUI during work hours will result in a termination, they may think twice before getting behind the wheel intoxicated.

Get Them An Attorney

No matter the severity of the DUI charges, it’s wise for your employee to have a lawyer handle their case. Sometimes, it can make the difference between getting off with a fine and going to jail, which wouldn’t be good for the company.

You might want to set them up with a Boise felony DUI attorney from hooperlawoffices.com. Their intuition, determination, and specialist knowledge around drinking charges could be exactly what your employee needs. If the legal team can save them from harsh punishment, that could reflect more positively on your company’s reputation.

Appeal The Ban

When someone’s caught driving under the influence, they often face having their license suspended. That obviously isn’t ideal if it’s one of your drivers being charged. 

If there’s a case for it, it may be worth helping them try to appeal the ban. However, it can take a while for this to be successful, during which time your employee won’t be able to do their job.

Move Them Elsewhere

Your driver might not be able to do what they’re paid to do, but that doesn’t mean they can’t still work for you. If they have the right skills for it, you could always move them into a different department. 

It might be worth including elements of other jobs in your staff training, so employees are prepared to offer help elsewhere in situations like this. There are plenty of other occasions when drivers can’t get behind the wheel, outside of a DUI. So, you don’t have to view it as preparing for someone to be caught drink driving if you feel that sends the wrong message. Just be aware that if employees don’t have a chance to put these skills into practice semi-regularly, they could forget what they’ve learned.

It can be a real nightmare when one of your drivers gets a DUI. However, rather than jumping straight to firing them, think instead about how you can help them and ensure it never happens again. If they’re a good employee, they usually deserve a second chance.

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As an experienced business and finance writer I understand the corporate landscape and the driving forces behind it. Over the years I’ve shared my insight and knowledge with key industry publications and dedicated my time to showing how business leaders can make their organisations more effective.