Improving employee productivity in the office can be difficult these days. Last year, the workplace underwent significant changes because of the pandemic, which may forever affect how we work. It can be challenging for many employees to adjust to this new manner of working.

You must have an effective structure that drives motivation and empowers your employees to give their 100% in what they do and increase employee productivity. Currently, office productivity and employee morale are challenging. In addition, many organizations work from home, which means employees are prone to constant interruptions. A lack of connection can be detrimental to employee productivity.

Simply encouraging staff to be more productive will have no effect. In today’s job, you must be proactive in your thinking. You must motivate your team, demonstrate the benefits of workplace productivity, and show them how to maximize employee productivity.

We have collected some of the best approaches to improve employee productivity effectively. But, before you can resolve the issue, you need to determine the reasons for the low productivity.

Reasons why employees have low productivity

You are aware there is a problem with productivity in the workplace, but you must first understand why productivity is affected. External factors can impact productivity that you cannot control, such as a global epidemic. However, you must assess the situation and determine how to handle the issues for the aspects over which you have controls.

Some of the issues that can affect employee’s productivity are as follows:

Too Light or Too Heavy Workload

Employee productivity may be low because the workload you provide to them is either too light or too heavy. An excessive workload can burden mental health, eventually leading to burnout, whereas a low workload can create boredom and exhaustion.

If there is a workload issue in your organization, it is best to discuss it with your employees and explore strategies to make the workload more manageable. Use document management applications to build a clear framework of things that need to be completed and when they need to be done.

Conflicts Among Employees

Let’s face it; there will always be disagreements and conflicts among employees in any organization. Still, when that issue escalates to the point where your staff isn’t working effectively together, it’s time to intervene.

Employee productivity can suffer from workplace conflict since it affects morale and negatively influences mental health. If you notice an issue in the office, try to stop it as soon as possible. Talk to your employees to sort out the conflicts and think of something to resolve the issue.

Low Morale and Lack of Motivation

The silent killers in the office that affect the employee’s productivity are low morale and motivation. Employee morale is low when there is a shift in attitude, lousy performance, and lack of initiative.

If you see any of these issues in the workplace, you have to address them right away.

How to improve employee’s productivity?

Now that you have determined why employee productivity is low, you need to find the best solution.

Use Collaboration Software

Excel sheets, good old-fashioned to-do and priority lists are traditional means of tracking job progress, productivity, and goals.

There are now many cloud-based tools and software available to help enhance productivity and foster team communication. For example, sorting applicants’ resumes can be easier for the Human Resource department if you use resume parsing software. Compared to manual sorting, you save a lot of time using the software but increase your output.

There is now a plethora of cloud-based tools and software available to help enhance productivity and foster team communication.

Focus on Your Employees Well-Being

Your employee’s well-being has a direct effect on their productivity. A workforce that is happy and engrossed in their job is not only more pleasant to work with, but it also helps you become productive.

A Gallup poll found some dismal data about workplace happiness: only 32% of US workers focus on their work. Moreover, employees that are less engaged and unhappy miss 70% fewer workdays each year due to illness.

An agitated employee has low productivity compared to pleased employees, with 59% less likely to hunt for another job within the next 12 months. Furthermore, 27 percent of contented employees are more likely to receive an “excellent” productivity assessment from their employers.

Be Appreciative

Employees are motivated if you appreciate their hard work. It gives them a sense of success and makes them feel valued for their efforts. Not only does recognition make employees feel more confident in themselves, but it also increases workplace productivity.

When your staff receives appreciation for their efforts, it reinforces their behavior and increases the likelihood that they will continue to do so. Again, employee appreciation statistics speak for themselves: 72% of employees claimed they would work harder if their efforts were recognized.

You can show appreciation in several ways. For example, a simple thank you message for finishing the task or giving a small token to congratulate your employee on hitting a career milestone is enough to make them feel appreciated.

Final thoughts

There’s no doubt that many businesses are suffering a drop in employee productivity during this challenging time, but this doesn’t have to be a permanent state. Once you’ve identified the core reason for low workplace productivity, make sure you take the necessary steps to address the issue and provide the best solution for your staff.

Image courtesy of Depositphotos

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Lori Wade is a journalist and content writer for Lori creates news and informative articles about HR, recruiting, and employee productivity. You can find her on LinkedIn.