I could not believe the words I was hearing. “Jeff, you have a hostile working environment.” I don’t think the man sitting across the desk from me could have said anything that stunned me more than those three words: Hostile working environment

Jim had turned in his notice to resign a few days prior. When someone decides to leave my organisation, I make it a point to sit down and chat about their reasons for leaving, especially when they are not one of my direct reports. The answers are often about money, career advancement, or new challenges. Occasionally, it revolves around a difference of opinion with a direct supervisor (I am usually well aware of those cases). But, never has it been a hostile working environment.

Building a diverse team

What was he TALKING about? I have always sought to build a diverse team as a business leader. I looked for ways to ensure the women in my department could grow, learn, and develop. Information Technology has been male-dominated for too many years. My department was a melting pot of diversity. The team represented genders, multiple races, and multiple religions. Earlier in my career, I had made it a point to learn French…to understand French culture…so I could better relate to the members of my team who resided in Paris. More recently, I made sure our Muslim employees had a place and the time for their daily prayers…even holding a pitch-in meal to celebrate the end of Ramadan with them. How could this be a hostile working environment?

A deer in the headlights

I think Jim sensed my stunned reaction, or maybe the deer-in-the-headlights expression on my face gave it away. Whatever the case, he looked at me and said, “Jeff, I’m gay.”

Again, my mind swirled. I had no idea. But that was a good thing, right? One’s sexual orientation should be private. Besides, I have always been open and accepting, after all, my brother is gay, some of my best friends are gay and lesbian…I want to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and can learn and grow.

Jim said, “No one has said anything to me directly. Most people don’t even know; I choose to keep it quiet. However, it is the jokes, the off-hand comments, the locker room banter that makes me uncomfortable.” (OK, Jim didn’t use the term locker room banter, I just paraphrased a bit). He continued, “It’s not just one person, but it seems to come from the same three or four people.”

I told Jim I was sorry he had not come to me with this before he decided to leave. I certainly don’t condone it; I was unaware of it. If I don’t know, I can’t fix it. I didn’t know how to address it yet, but I vowed to address it. Was it too late? Would he entertain staying? He explained he had already accepted another offer and did not want to go back on his word. He also did not want to be the centre of a controversy.

Finding a solution

Over the next couple of days, I thought long and hard about the situation. I wanted whatever I did to have a “shock factor” to make the team see what they were doing. There was no way I could continue with a hostile working environment. I wanted it to include some training and discussion. And, I wanted to draw a line in the sand…zero tolerance. The upcoming All-Staff Meeting was a great time to do this. Everyone would be together. I sat down with our VP of Human Resources, explained the situation, enlisted her help, and launched my action plan together. (It’s always good to involve HR when going for a “shock factor”).

The morning of April 1st, the whole team (sans Jim, who opted to take the day off) gathered in the conference room. Of course, everyone wondered why the VP of HR was in the room. I just smiled and replied it would become apparent shortly. As was my fashion, I stood before the team and kicked off the meeting. “In honour of April Fool’s Day, I thought I would start with a few jokes.” I started with a joke derogatory towards men. It drew laughter from the room. I then told a derogatory joke about women. While this drew some laughter, it also drew some “Jeehfff?!!?’s”. I went on to tell jokes about blacks, Latinos, Muslims, gays, and lesbians. By the time I was finished, the room was silent…dead silent.

Examples of poor behaviour

I continued, “By now, I have undoubtedly offended everyone in the room. We have a problem. These are examples of some of the jokes that have been told here in the office in our department.” I provided examples of the exact quotes Jim had passed on to me. “Now, you may think you are being funny. In some circles, these comments might be acceptable and considered funny. Not here. You never know who is listening or who might not appreciate or be offended by the comment. That person may laugh at your joke, but they could be boiling in anger and resentment.”

“In a previous job, I had a colleague who used to send a group email daily with jokes. As an election year dawned, her jokes became pointedly political, making fun of democrats unflatteringly. At one point in our careers, we had been peers; three tiers of the organisation now separated us. I sent her a note that said, “Jill, you never know who you might be offending by these jokes. This is not the place for them. Sincerely, Your boss’ boss’ boss and a tree-hugging democrat.”

It stops now

“This type of behaviour stops here and stops now. I have asked our VP of HR to join us today. We will spend the rest of the meeting with her, leading us in a training workshop to raise awareness of those around us and provide tools to those who might feel singled out. These tools will help them find their voice to raise concerns before things get out of hand.” I then turned the meeting over to the VP of HR. What followed was a heartfelt discussion.

So, what did I learn from this? (Besides the fact that when you Google for the type of jokes I was looking for, you learn there are a lot of misogynistic, racist, homophobic, xenophobic people out there, and their jokes are disgusting!!)

The Fallacy of the Open Door

I have always prided myself on having an open door. Anyone at any time can talk to me about (just about) anything. The fallacy of the open-door policy is it implies two things. First, it means you are sitting in your office (and not in a meeting) waiting for people to visit you. Instead, you must get out from behind the desk and get involved with people. That doesn’t mean management by walking around. That means getting involved with them, talking, going to lunch, and getting to know them and their families.

Second, it implies everyone feels comfortable coming to you with any issue at any time. Many people will see how “busy you are” going to meetings, working on projects, and not being in your office, and they will get the feeling they are an interruption and won’t want to bother you. Others are private and may not feel comfortable sharing their struggles. Still, others may feel they can “power through” and may not want to admit to what might be perceived as a weakness. Again, I say you have to go to them. You have to get to know them.

Team Does Not Mean Same

As leaders and managers, we strive to build cohesive, high-functioning teams. It’s how we get things done and accomplish the goals of our businesses. Many intentionally create teams of people who have complementary skills and backgrounds. Humans tend to surround themselves with like-minded individuals who look and think as they do. As we build these diverse teams, it is easy to forget that some team members may never have worked on a team based on diversity. Not everyone understands or even wants to understand cultural differences.

Those diversity classes HR conducts are more than just checking the box on EEOC practices. They should be taken seriously. As leaders, we must take them seriously so those around us take them seriously. If you don’t have diversity training, perhaps it is time to start a program. However, even before that, we probably should look for people who embrace diversity in the first place as we build teams.

The Day-to-Day can cloud the Here-and-Now

We all get comfortable with the day-to-day. We get caught up in the day’s challenge or the hour and forget to listen and observe. When Jim sat in my office and described the discomfort he had been feeling, I was stunned. I hadn’t known, had not seen, or heard none of those things he had shared.

We need to remind ourselves to slow down and observe, to slow down and listen. It is easy to tune out the banter in the workplace. It fades into background noise. We need to tune into it and remind ourselves and others it may be approaching a line we don’t know is there.

I stay in touch with Jim via LinkedIn, exchanging pleasantries on birthdays and work anniversaries. He comes to mind often. I think of the lessons learned and the reminders of lessons past. As we build teams in this melting pot that is today’s workplace, we should remember the Jims, Janes, Muhammads, and Alejandras who are a part of our lives and the opportunities to learn that they bring.  You can find out more about my work on my website.

What follows are some additional actions you can take to heal a hostile working environment.

10 Ways To Heal A Hostile Working Environment

1. Acknowledge the Problem Transparently

A leader must first recognise and openly acknowledge the existence of a hostile working environment. Employees often feel unheard or dismissed, which exacerbates the toxicity. By admitting issues and showing genuine concern, a leader signals to the team that they are serious about finding solutions. This initial step builds trust and creates a foundation for change. Employees are more likely to engage positively when they see leadership not sweeping problems under the rug but addressing them openly and directly.

2. Encourage Open Communication and Active Listening

Promoting a culture of open and effective communication is vital in reducing hostility. Leaders should ensure that employees feel safe to voice concerns without fear of retaliation. Regular one-on-one meetings, anonymous feedback systems, and suggestion boxes can encourage open communication. Active listening is equally important—leaders must listen to concerns, ask follow-up questions, and take actions that reflect employee feedback. In hostile environments, people often feel ignored or marginalised, so fostering a genuine two-way dialogue helps to rebuild relationships and trust.

3. Provide Conflict Resolution Training

Hostile working environments often arise from unresolved conflicts that escalate over time. A leader should provide conflict resolution training to staff, equipping them with the skills to manage disputes before they spiral out of control. This training should focus on mediation techniques, empathy, negotiation, and how to approach sensitive topics without causing further discord. By empowering employees to manage conflict, leaders reduce tensions and create a more harmonious working environment while fostering personal growth and accountability among team members.

4. Reinforce Respect and Inclusivity

In any workplace, respect and inclusivity must be non-negotiable. Leaders should actively promote a culture where all employees are treated with dignity, regardless of their background, role, or personal circumstances. This involves setting clear expectations for behaviour, reinforcing company values, and calling out discriminatory or disrespectful conduct when it occurs. Leaders should also celebrate diversity and ensure everyone feels included in decision-making processes. A hostile working environment often flourishes where respect is lacking, so creating a culture that values inclusivity helps diffuse hostility.

5. Implement Fair and Transparent Policies

Clear, fair, and transparent policies are crucial for dismantling a hostile working environment. Ambiguity in rules and inconsistent enforcement often fuel resentment and dissatisfaction. Leaders should review current policies around communication, behaviour, and discipline, ensuring that they are applied uniformly across all levels of staff. A zero-tolerance policy for bullying, harassment, or exclusion should be adopted. Additionally, making these policies easily accessible and regularly reminding staff of their existence encourages accountability and deters negative behaviour.

6. Foster a Collaborative and Team-Oriented Culture

Promoting collaboration over competition can transform a hostile working environment into one where employees work together rather than against each other. Leaders should initiate team-building activities, cross-departmental projects, and social gatherings that encourage collaboration and camaraderie. When people understand that they are working towards common goals and are part of a supportive team, hostile behaviour is less likely to thrive. A leader must ensure that no one is excluded from these initiatives, as alienation can cause hostility.

7. Address and Punish Inappropriate Behaviour Immediately

Tolerating inappropriate behaviour, even if minor, sends the message that it is acceptable. A leader must take swift and firm action when bullying, harassment, or toxic behaviour is identified. This includes addressing the behaviour privately with the offender, issuing warnings, and taking disciplinary action when necessary. Consistent consequences demonstrate that the company does not tolerate hostility and reassures employees that leadership is committed to maintaining a healthy working environment. Publicly visible consequences also deter others from engaging in similar behaviour.

8. Offer Support and Resources for Employee Wellbeing

Hostile working environments take a toll on mental and emotional well-being. Leaders can play a pivotal role in healing such environments by offering resources to help employees cope with stress and negativity. This might include access to counselling services, mental health days, stress management workshops, or wellness programmes. Employees who feel supported are less likely to contribute to or sustain a hostile environment. Additionally, showing a commitment to employee well-being signals to staff that their health and happiness are a priority, which fosters a more positive atmosphere.

9. Promote Leadership Accountability

Leaders must hold themselves accountable for the work environment they create. Self-awareness is crucial: leaders should regularly reflect on how their actions, words, and management style impact the team. Conducting anonymous 360-degree feedback reviews can be an effective way for leaders to understand their role in either contributing to or healing a hostile environment. By actively working on their leadership skills and admitting when they’ve made mistakes, leaders set an example of humility and growth, encouraging others to follow suit.

10. Celebrate Progress and Positive Behaviour

Positive reinforcement can shift the atmosphere in a hostile working environment. Leaders should recognise and celebrate any improvements in team dynamics, communication, or behaviour, no matter how small. Public recognition of individuals contributing to a healthier workplace reinforces positive behaviour and encourages others to follow their example. Celebrating milestones such as resolving conflicts, achieving team goals, or fostering inclusion helps to build momentum and shift the focus from negativity to positivity, which, over time, can transform the workplace atmosphere entirely.

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Looking to amp up your audience and inspire them to grow as leaders?

Keynote speaker and best-selling author, Jeff Ton has been amplifying
audiences around the world for two decades. With deep experience as a
technology and business executive, he draws on his background to educate,
inspire, and entertain audiences large and small. Jeff authored Amplify Your
Job Search – Strategies for Finding Your Dream Job (2020) and Amplify
Your Value – Leading IT with Strategic Vision (2018). His insights have been
featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Information Week, among others.

When his teenage dreams of becoming a rockstar collided with reality,
he traded his guitar for a computer keyboard and became a rockstar of
a different kind. After launching his career as a software developer, Jeff
became an industry-recognized leader and business executive, building
teams and leading organizations in the banking, consumer electronics, real
estate development, non-profit, and technology sectors.